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Version: 3.10

KubeRocketCI Widgets

KubeRocketCI offers widgets as data visualization tools to observe the status of both the platform and its resources. This page describes all the widgets presented in KubeRocketCI.

Widgets Overview​

The first widgets users view when using KubeRocketCI portal are KubeRocketCI resource widgets:

Overview page

These widgets reflect all the resources in the default namespace:

  • Codebases: Displays all the created codebases;
  • Branches: Shows the total amount of codebase branches;
  • Pipelines: Shows all the initiated pipeline runs;
  • Deployment Flows: Displays all the created deployment flows;
  • Environments: Shows the total amount of created environments.

The status of the resources is displayed real-time and doesn't require any preliminary configuration for widgets to work. Not only these widgets display the amount of resources but also their statuses (success, fail, in progress).

SonarQube & Dependency-Track Widgets​

KubeRocketCI also offers widgets to track codebases' code quality directly from the KubeRocketCI portal. These widgets pull codebase-related data from SonarQube and Dependency-Track tools:

Overview page

To enable these widgets, you need to pass the following steps:

  1. Integrate platform with SonarQube and/or Dependency-Track.
  2. Install and configure the KrakenD tool.
  3. Trigger the review pipeline in a codebase, allowing SonarQube and Dependency-Track to scan your code.

At least one build pipeline must be run for the codebase to activate the widgets.

  1. Verify the widgets started working for the codebase:

SonarQube and Dependency-Track widgets


The SonarQube and Dependency-Track widgets only track the default branch.

Resource Quota Widget​

The last available widget is a resource quota widget. To open the widget, click the circle icon in the top-left corner of the screen:

Overview page

This widget shows resource requests and limits (CPU, Memory, Namespace) of both the deployment flows and the entire platform.

To enable the widget, you need to deploy KubeRocketCI in a Capsule tenant.