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Version: 3.10

Marketplace Overview

The KubeRocketCI marketplace offers a range of Templates, predefined tools and settings for creating software. These Templates speed up development, minimize errors, and ensure consistency. A key KubeRocketCI marketplace feature is customization. Organizations can create and share their own Templates, finely tuned to their needs. Each Template serves as a tailored blueprint of tools and settings.

These tailored Templates include preset CI/CD pipelines, automating your development workflows. From initial integration to final deployment, these processes are efficiently managed. Whether for new applications or existing ones, these Templates enhance processes, save time, and ensure consistency.

To see the Marketplace section, navigate to the Marketplace tab. General look of the Marketplace section is described below:

Marketplace section

  • Marketplace templates - all the components marketplace can offer;
  • Template properties - the item summary that shows the type, category, language, framework, build tool and maturity;
  • Filters Enable/disable - allows users to toggle search by item name or available namespace;
  • View options - switches between the listed view and the tiled view. See the view options for details.

There is also a possibility to switch into the tiled view instead of the listed one:

Marketplace section

To view the details of a marketplace item, simply click its name:

Item details

The details window shows supplemental information, such as item's author, keywords, release version and the link to the repository it is located in. The window also contains the Create from template button that allows users to create the component by the chosen template. The procedure of creating new components is described in the Create Component via Marketplace page.