Pipelines Overview
Pipelines are integral part of any CI/CD. They are involved in code build, review, and deployment procedures. Such big variety of pipelines result in a demand of having a single place where the pipelines can be managed. For this purpose, the Pipelines section was added to the KubeRocketCI portal.
Pipelines Page Overview​
To see the Pipelines section, open the KubeRocketCI portal and select the Pipelines section:
Pipeline details - Displays the following pages:
- Checkbox - Click the check box to select the pipelines to delete.
- Status - Displays pipeline run status. The status can be either successful (green) or failed (red). Hover over the status to view the description.
- Run - Displays the pipeline run name. Click the name to view its details.
- Pipeline - Indicates which pipeline this pipeline run belongs to. Click the pipeline name to view its details.
- Pull Request - Click the icon to see which pull request started this pipeline run.
- Started at - Displays the time the pipeline was started.
- Time - Displays the total amount of time it took the pipeline to complete.
- Diagram - Click the icon to see the real-time pipeline diagram.
- Actions - This button allows for restarting and deleting pipeline runs.
Filters - Filter pipeline runs by name, namespace, and pipeline they belong to.
Delete - Allows to delete the selected pipeline runs.
Pagination menu - Allows to navigate through the list of pipeline runs.
Chat assistant - Allows to open the chat assistant menu.
Pipeline Overview​
- Click the pipeline name to view their details:
The first tab that you view once you click the pipeline run name is the Details tab.
- Navigate to the Overview tab:
In this tab, you can view the general information and resources that the pipeline is connected with.
- Navigate to the View YAML tab:
This tab displays the YAML configuration of your pipeline.
- Navigate to the Diagram tab:
Diagram displays the pipeline's real-time status. You click the task name to navigate to the corresponding task in the Details tab.
Operate With Pipelines​
The Pipelines section allows you to track, restart, and delete pipelines.
To restart the pipeline run, click the actions button and select Run again:
To delete the pipeline run, click the actions button and select Delete:
Alternatively, you can enter the pipeline run and delete/restart the pipeline using the corresponding buttons: