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Version: 3.10

User Guide: Portal Features and CI/CD Flow

The KubeRocketCI portal user guide is intended for developers and provides details on working with the KubeRocketCI portal, different codebase types, and the KubeRocketCI CI/CD flow.

KubeRocketCI Portal​

The KubeRocketCI portal is a central management tool in the KubeRocketCI ecosystem that provides the ability to define pipelines, project resources and new technologies in a simple way. Using the KubeRocketCI portal enables to manage business entities:

  • Create such codebase types as Applications, Libraries, Autotests and Infrastructures;
  • Create/Update CD Pipelines;
  • Add external Git servers and Clusters.

Below is the Overview page of the KubeRocketCI portal:

Overview page

  • Application widgets – shows the information on codebases created in the default and allowed namespaces, reflecting the overall amount of entities and their statuses.
  • Top bar panel – contains documentation link, notifications, KubeRocketCI portal settings, and cluster settings, such as default and allowed namespaces.
  • Quick links – displays the corresponding links to the major adjusted tool set.
  • Resource switcher - Toggle between KubeRocketCI and K8s resource views.
  • Create resource as code – Allows creating resources using Kubernetes manifests.
  • Chat assistant - An AI assistant that answers questions related to KubeRocketCI.

KubeRocketCI portal is a complete tool allowing to manage and control the codebases (applications, autotests, libraries and infrastructures) added to the environment as well as to create a CD pipeline.

Inspect the main features available in the KubeRocketCI portal by following the corresponding link: