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Version: 3.10

Add Git Server

This guide outlines the steps for integrating KubeRocketCI with GitLab, GitHub, or Bitbucket, enabling seamless CI/CD workflows across these version control platforms.

Integration Procedure​

To start from, it is required to add both Secret with SSH key, API token, and GitServer resources by taking the steps below.

  1. Generate an SSH key pair and add a public key to your GitLab, GitHub, or Bitbucket account.

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  2. Generate access token for GitLab or GitHub account with read/write access to the API. Both personal and project access tokens are applicable. For Bitbucket, generate an App Password with the necessary permissions to interact with the repository.

    To create access token in GitHub, follow the steps below:

    • Log in to GitHub.

    • Click the profile account and navigate to Settings -> Developer Settings.

    • Select Personal access tokens (classic) and generate a new token with the following parameters:

      Repo permissions


    The access below is required for the codebase operator to setup hooks.

    Admin permission Admin permission User permission


    Make sure to save a new personal access token because it won`t be displayed later.

  3. Create a secret in the namespace where KubeRocketCI is installed (default: krci) to securely store the Git account credentials, including the id_rsa, username, and token fields:


    For integration with Bitbucket, the token field should be in the format username:AppPassword, encoded in base64. You can generate the encoded token using the following command:

    echo -n "username:AppPassword" | base64

    Navigate to Configuration -> Version Control System. Fill in the required fields and click Save:

    VCS Integration in KubeRocketCI portal

As a result, you will be able to create codebases using an integrated Version Control System.

Bitbucket Default Branch Management​

When onboarding components via KubeRocketCI with Bitbucket as the Git Server, Bitbucket automatically creates a master branch as the default, regardless of the branch specified during component creation (e.g., main). This may result in inconsistencies with the expected default branch.

To change the default branch from master to desired branch in Bitbucket, follow these steps:

  • Log in to Bitbucket.

  • Navigate to the repository where the default branch needs to be changed.

  • In the left sidebar menu, select Repository Settings.

    Repository Settings

  • Proceed to the Advanced section. Locate the Main branch field and select your desired branch to set it as the default.

    Default branch

  • Click Save changes to apply your modifications.

Advanced Configuration: Using a Custom Webhook URL​

Custom Webhook URL configuration is effectively utilized in Kubernetes clusters facing specific restrictions on traffic routing or requiring customized webhook event handling. Beyond the conventional Ingress, alternative traffic routing solutions such as Service Mesh (e.g., Istio), NodePort services, or external Load Balancers can be employed to manage traffic into the cluster, offering flexibility in addressing diverse networking policies and security requirements.

User is responsible for the following action:

  • Ingress Traffic Routing: The configuration and management of Ingress for custom webhook URL. This entails ensuring that the custom URL is configured to accept incoming traffic and webhook events from your VCS (e.g., GitHub, GitLab). It's essential that your networking setup, including firewalls and DNS, allows your git hosting service to reach the specified URL endpoint.

  • Tekton EventListener Setup: The creation and configuration of the Tekton EventListener, which processes webhook events directed to the custom URL. This setup involves defining the EventListener to capture and handle events from your VCS, triggering the necessary CI/CD pipelines within KubeRocketCI based on these events.

For more information on setting up a Ingress and Tekton EventListener for custom webhook URL, refer to the Helm Chart.