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Version: 3.9.0

Add Git Server

This page describes how to integrate KubeRocketCI with GitLab or GitHub.

Integration Procedure​

To start from, it is required to add both Secret with SSH key, API token, and GitServer resources by taking the steps below.

  1. Generate an SSH key pair and add a public key to GitLab or GitHub account.

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  2. Generate access token for GitLab or GitHub account with read/write access to the API. Both personal and project access tokens are applicable.

    To create access token in GitHub, follow the steps below:

    • Log in to GitHub.
    • Click the profile account and navigate to Settings -> Developer Settings.
    • Select Personal access tokens (classic) and generate a new token with the following parameters:

    Repo permission


    The access below is required for the codebase operator to setup hooks.

    Admin permission Admin permission User permission


    Make sure to save a new personal access token because it won`t be displayed later.

  3. Create a secret in the namespace where KubeRocketCI is installed (edp by default) for the Git account with the id_rsa, username, and token fields.

    Navigate to Configuration -> Git Servers. Fill in the required fields:

    VCS Integration in KubeRocketCI portal

As a result, you will be able to create codebases using an integrated Version Control System.