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Version: 3.9.0

Set Up OpenShift

Make sure the cluster meets the following conditions:

  1. OpenShift cluster is installed with minimum 2 worker nodes with total capacity 8 Cores and 32Gb RAM.

  2. Load balancer (if any exists in front of OpenShift router or ingress controller) is configured with session stickiness, disabled HTTP/2 protocol and header size of 64k support.

    Find below an example of the Config Map for the NGINX Ingress Controller:

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
    name: nginx-configuration
    namespace: ingress-nginx
    labels: ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
    client-header-buffer-size: 64k
    large-client-header-buffers: 4 64k
    use-http2: "false"
  3. Keycloak instance is installed. To get accurate information on how to install Keycloak, please refer to the Install Keycloak instruction.

  4. The installation machine with oc is installed with the cluster-admin access to the OpenShift cluster.

  5. Helm 3.10 is installed on the installation machine with the help of the Installing Helm instruction.

  6. Storage classes are used with the Retain Reclaim Policy and Delete Reclaim Policy.

  7. We recommended using our storage class as default storage class.


By default, KubeRocketCI uses the default Storage Class in a cluster. We recommend using the following Storage Classes.

Storage class templates with the Retain and Delete Reclaim Policies:

kind: StorageClass
name: gp3
annotations: 'true'
allowedTopologies: []
mountOptions: []
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
allowVolumeExpansion: true