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Version: 3.10

Guide: Microsoft Entra SSO Integration With DefectDojo

This guide provides instructions on how to configure DefectDojo with OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication using Microsoft Entra as the Identity Provider (IdP).


  • Access to the Microsoft Entra Admin Center with administrative privileges.
  • Created Microsoft Entra Tenant.
  • Installed DefectDojo (can be installed during Configuring Helm chart step).
  • Fork copy of the edp-cluster-add-ons repository.
  • (Optional) Installed External Secrets Operator.

Configuring Microsoft Entra Application​

To configure Microsoft Entra as the Identity Provider for DefectDojo, it is necessary to create and configure an Application in the Microsoft Entra Admin Center.

  1. Log in to the Microsoft Entra Admin Center.

    Microsoft Entra Admin Center

  2. In the left sidebar menu, select Applications and click App registrations.

    App registrations

  3. Click on the New registration button.

    New registration

  4. Fill in the required fields, such as Name, Supported account types and Redirect URI (You can skip setting the Redirect URI if you don't deploy DefectDojo yet). Click Register to create the application.


    The Redirect URI should be in the format https://<DefectDojo URL>/complete/azuread-tenant-oauth2/.

    Register application

  5. In the created application, navigate to the Certificates & secrets section from the left sidebar menu. In the Client secrets tab, click on the New client secret button to create a new secret. Fill in the required fields and click Add.

    Client secrets

  6. Copy the generated Client secret value and store it securely. You will need this value to configure the DefectDojo Helm chart.

    Client secret

  7. Navigate to the API permissions section. Ensure that the User.Read permission is added under the Microsoft Graph API. If not, click on the Add a permission button, select Microsoft Graph, and add the User.Read permission. After adding the permission, click on the Grant admin consent for 'Tenant name' button to grant the required permissions.

    API permissions

Configuring DefectDojo Helm chart​

To integrate DefectDojo with configured Microsoft Entra Application, it is necessary to configure the DefectDojo Helm chart. In this example, we will use the edp-cluster-add-ons repository to deploy DefectDojo to the Kubernetes (e.g. AWS EKS) cluster.


The Application data, such as Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID, can be found in the Overview section of the Application in the Microsoft Entra Admin Center. Application data

  1. Navigate to the forked Cluster Add-Ons repository and locate the values.yaml file in the clusters/core/addons/defectdojo directory.

    Update the values.yaml file with the following values:

    DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_TENANT_OAUTH2_KEY: '<Application (client) ID>'
    DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_TENANT_OAUTH2_SECRET: "defectdojo-extrasecrets"

    Replace the <Application (client) ID> and <Directory (tenant) ID> placeholders with the appropriate values from the Microsoft Entra Application created in the previous step.

  2. Update or create the defectdojo-extrasecrets secret with the Application Client Secret value.

    • Using External Secrets Operator

      Navigate to the clusters/core/addons/defectdojo/templates/external-secrets/externalsecret-defectdojo-extrasecrets.yaml file and set the field to the DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_TENANT_OAUTH2_SECRET value.

      kind: ExternalSecret
      name: defectdojo-extrasecrets
      refreshInterval: 1h
      kind: SecretStore
      name: {{ .Values.eso.secretStoreName }}
      key: {{ $secretName }}
      property: defectdojo.oidcClientSecret

      Be sure to update the AWS Parameter Store object path specified in the clusters/core/addons/defectdojo/values.yaml file in the eso.secretName field with the Application Client Secret value.

      AWS Parameter Store object
      "defectdojo.oidcClientSecret": "<Application Client Secret>"
    • Manual approach

      Create the defectdojo-extrasecrets secret manually using the following template:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
      name: defectdojo-extrasecrets
      namespace: <namespace>
      type: Opaque
      DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_TENANT_OAUTH2_SECRET: <Application Client Secret>

      Replace <Application Client Secret> with the generated Client secret value from the Microsoft Entra Application.

  3. After updating the values.yaml file and creating the defectdojo-extrasecrets secret, commit the changes to the repository and apply the changes with Helm or Argo CD.

  4. Navigate to the Microsoft Entra Application and add the Redirect URI in the Authentication section if you haven't done it before.


    The Redirect URI should be in the format https://<DefectDojo URL>/complete/azuread-tenant-oauth2/.

    Redirect URI

  5. Verify that the OIDC authentication is configured correctly by logging in to DefectDojo using the Log in with Azure AD option.

    DefectDojo login

  6. After successfully verifying the login, you can proceed with configuring specific permissions for each logged-in user directly within the DefectDojo application.