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Version: 3.11

Install KubeRocketCI

This page serves as the starting point for the quick start guide, where we will install Tekton as a prerequisite and then proceed to install the KubeRocketCI itself.

Install Tekton​

KubeRocketCI relies on Tekton resources, including Tasks, Pipelines, Triggers, and Interceptors to execute CI/CD pipelines.

To install Tekton, run the commands below:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Install platform​

To deploy the platform, follow the steps below:

  1. Add a Helm Chart repository:

    helm repo add epamedp
    helm repo update
  2. Deploy the platform using the helm install command:

    helm install krci epamedp/edp-install --version 3.11.0 --create-namespace --atomic -n krci --set
  3. Upon successful deployment of the KubeRocketCI Helm Chart, run the kubectl port-forward command:

    kubectl port-forward service/portal 59480:80 -n krci
  4. Enter the localhost in your browser to access the login menu:


    Portal login menu

  5. Create the edp-admin service account and generate an access token to open the KubeRocketCI:

    kubectl -n krci create serviceaccount edp-admin
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding edp-admin --serviceaccount=krci:edp-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin
    kubectl create token edp-admin -n krci
  6. In the login menu, paste the generated token in the ID token field and click the SIGN IN button.

  7. Upon logging in, specify the namespace for KubeRocketCI where platform is deployed by clicking the cluster settings link in the bottom left corner of the UI:

    Specify namespaces

  8. In the Cluster Settings page, define the following for fields:

    • Default namespace: krci
    • Allowed namespaces: krci

    Cluster Settings menu


    Remember to click the + ADD icon when adding the allowed namespace.

After completing these steps, you will gain access to KubeRocketCI components through the Portal UI. You can now proceed with the integration steps, starting with the SonarQube integration.