Integrate DockerHub
KubeRocketCI utilizes container registries for storing and distributing application images. This page provides instructions on integrating your platform with DockerHub.
Integration Procedure​
To integrate KubeRocketCI with DockerHub, follow the steps below:
Log in to your DockerHub account.
In the DockerHub main page, click your user icon at the top right corner and select Account Settings.
In the Account Settings page, select the Security tab and click New Access Token.
Enter the token description, select the Read, Write, Delete permission and click Generate.
Copy the generated token:
In the UI Portal, navigate to Configuration -> Registry and click the Add Registry button.
In the Registry Provider field, select DockerHub. Define the following values and click Save:
- Registry Endpoint:
- Registry Space:
DockerHub account name
- User:
DockerHub account name
- Password/Token:
Your generated access token
- Use the Push Account's credentials:
- Registry Endpoint:
In the DockerHub context, the Registry Space field is equivalent to the account/organization name.
With all integrations in place, let's proceed to the Create Application page for further instructions on how to create applications using KubeRocketCI.