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Version: 3.11

Basic Concepts

Consult KubeRocketCI Glossary section for definitions mentioned on this page. The below table contains a list of capabilities provided by the platform.

Cloud AgnosticPlatform runs on any Kubernetes cluster, including those provided by Public Cloud Providers or deployed on-premises.
CI/CD for MicroservicesKubeRocketCI is designed to support CI/CD for Microservices running as containerized applications inside a Kubernetes Cluster. It provides CI Pipelines for different technology stacks.
Version Control System (VCS)The platform integrates with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Gerrit.
Branching StrategyKubeRocketCI supports both Trunk-based development and GitHub/GitLab flow. It creates two Pipelines per codebase branch: Code Review and Build.
Repository StructureBy default, the platform provides a separate Git repository for each Codebase. It does not support Monorepo out of the box, but can be customized to align with the Monorepo approach.
Artifacts VersioningThe platform supports two approaches for Artifacts versioning:
- default (BRANCH-[DATETIME])
- EDP (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-BUILD_ID), which follows SemVer.
You can also create custom versioning by implementing the get-version CI step.
Application LibraryKubeRocketCI offers baseline codebase templates for Microservices and Libraries, using the create strategy when onboarding new Codebases.
CI PipelinesThe platform provides CI Pipelines for different technology stacks.
CD PipelinesKubeRocketCI allows you to design CD Pipelines (in Portal UI) for Microservices and defines the logic for artifact flow (promotion) from lower to higher environments. Artifact promotion can be performed automatically (Autotests), manually (User Approval), or using a combination of both.
AutotestsKubeRocketCI provides a CI pipeline for autotests implemented in Java. These autotests can be used as Quality Gates in CD Pipelines.
Custom Pipeline LibraryYou can extend KubeRocketCI pipelines by introducing a Custom Pipeline Library.
Dynamic EnvironmentsKubeRocketCI's CD Pipelines can create and destroy environments based on user requests, allowing for flexible and dynamic deployment of applications.
GitOps ApproachThe platform adopts a GitOps approach for CI/CD, using Git repositories as the single source of truth for infrastructure and application configuration. This practice enhances collaboration, simplifies the deployment process, and improves the auditability of changes.
Monitoring and ObservabilityThe platform includes an observability stack that enables logging, monitoring, and tracing of applications and infrastructure. This helps in identifying issues early and maintaining the health and performance of the deployed applications.
Security Covering Authentication, Authorization, and SSO for Platform ServicesKubeRocketCI implements robust security mechanisms, including authentication, authorization, and Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities for all platform services. This ensures that access to the platform is secure and controlled, aligning with best practices for cloud-native application development.
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)KubeRocketCI integrates tools that perform static analysis of the source code to identify potential vulnerabilities early in the development process. This analysis is performed without executing the code and can pinpoint issues such as input validation errors, insecure dependencies, and other common vulnerabilities.
Container RegistriesKubeRocketCI demonstrates adaptability and interoperability with leading container registries, empowering developers to select the most suitable tools and services based on their specific project requirements. The integration process is designed to be as simple as possible, making it easy for developers to connect their projects with the desired registries. The incorporation of these registries is pivotal in upholding the security, effectiveness, and dependability of the CI/CD pipeline.