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Version: 3.12-dev

Deploy Application With Custom Build Tool/Framework

This use case demonstrates how to implement custom CI/CD pipelines within the KubeRocketCI platform to address project-specific requirements. KubeRocketCI extends this capability by supporting the customization of Applications (Components) and Tekton pipelines, allowing teams to integrate and develop functionalities or services not readily available on the platform.


  • Incorporate and manage custom Tekton pipeline libraries that addresses project requirements.
  • Modify existing pipelines and tasks within these libraries to align with specific developmental goals and introduce novel functionalities.
  • Facilitate a swift setup and implementation process, enabling teams to focus on development without being hindered by platform limitations.


  • KubeRocketCI instance with GitHub and Tekton is configured;
  • Developer has access to the KubeRocketCI instances using the Single-Sign-On approach;
  • Developer has Write permissions for GitHub repository to merge the code;
  • Configured Argo CD instance with the Add-ons repository added.


To streamline the process of implementing custom logic within the KubeRocketCI platform, follow this scenario:

  • Add Custom Application: Begin by adding your application to the KubeRocketCI platform.
  • Add Custom Tekton Library: Create and add a custom Tekton library designed to implement the CI/CD logic required by your application.
  • Validate the Implementation: After setting up your Application and Tekton library, conduct testing to ensure that the pipelines execute as intended.

Add Custom Application to KubeRocketCI​


A Custom Application refers to any application that utilizes a programming language, framework, or build tool not natively supported by the platform, or an existing application that necessitates specific customizations to its pipeline. This encompasses scenarios where the default pipeline configurations and toolchains are unable to meet the unique requirements of the application, thereby requiring the development and integration of tailored solutions.

  1. Open the KubeRocketCI portal. Use the Sign-In option:

    Logging Page

  2. In the top right corner, enter the Account settings and ensure that both Default namespace and Allowed namespace are set:


  3. Select the Components tab and push the create + CREATE COMPONENT button:

    Components Overview

  4. Choose the Application type since it is intended for containerization and deployment within a Kubernetes cluster. Click the Next button.

    Create Application Menu

  5. Choose the Clone strategy, since we are cloning the application from the existing repository:

    Clone Project

  6. In the Add component info tab, define the following values and click the Proceed button:

    • Git Server: select the available GitHub server
    • Repository URL:
    • Repository name: tekton-hello-world
    • Component name: tekton-hello-world
    • Description: Custom tekton-hello-world application
    • Application code language: Other
    • Language version/framework: go
    • Build tool: shell

    Application Menu

  7. In the Advanced Settings tab, define the below values and click the Create button:

    • Default branch: main
    • Deployment option: helm-chart
    • Codebase versioning type: semver
    • Leave Specify the pattern to validate a commit message empty.

    Application Menu

  8. Check the application status. It should be green.

    Now that the application is successfully created, proceed to adding the Tekton library to the KubeRocketCI platform.


It's important to align with the Tekton Pipeline name to ensure correct pipeline execution for review and build events.

The name for PipelineRun is dynamically generated via TriggerTemplates located in the pipelines-library and aligned to the structure provided below:

name: github-$(tt.params.buildtool)-$(tt.params.framework)-$(tt.params.cbtype)-build-$(tt.params.versioning-type)

This naming convention facilitates the automatic creation of PipelineRun instances in response to payload from GitHub during Merge Request events. Ensure that the Pipeline name matches this structure to enable the correct triggering of pipeline executions.

In our case, the build pipeline name should be github-shell-go-app-build-edp

Add Tekton Library​

KubeRocketCI allows for the creation of custom Tekton libraries to address specific project requirements. This feature enables the modification of existing pipelines and tasks to align with the unique needs of the application.

  1. Select the Components tab and push the create + CREATE COMPONENT button:

    Components Overview

  2. Create a new Codebase with the Library type:

    Create Library

  3. Select Create from template and click Create button:

    Create From Template


    The KubeRocketCI Create strategy will automatically pull the code for the Tekton Helm application from the template.

  4. In the Application Info tab, define the following values and click the Proceed button:

    • Repository name: custom-tekton-chart
    • Component name: custom-tekton-chart
    • Description: Repository for storing and managing custom Tekton resources
    • Application code language: Helm
    • Language version/framework: Pipeline
    • Build tool: Helm

    Codebase Info

  5. In the Advanced Settings tab, define the below values and click the Apply button:

    • Default branch: main
    • Codebase versioning type: semver
    • Leave Specify the pattern to validate a commit message empty.

    Advanced Settings

  6. Check the codebases status:

    Components overview page

You have successfully added the custom Tekton library to the KubeRocketCI platform and are now ready to modify the Tekton pipeline to align with the specific requirements of your custom application.

Modify Tekton Pipeline​


We strongly advise against altering the platform's default Tekton resources. To ensure seamless upgrades and maintain custom functionality, it is recommended to develop and manage your custom pipelines within a dedicated Custom Tekton Library. This approach safeguards your customizations and facilitates a smoother update process.

Now that the Tekton Helm library is created, it is time to clone, modify and then apply it to the Kubernetes cluster.

  1. In the Components tab, click one of the custom-tekton-chart to enter the application menu:

    Components overview page

  2. Navigate to Branches and click to the Git button:

    Branches tab

  3. Clone the repository with SSH using Code button:

    Create branch in GitHub

  4. Examine the repository structure. It should look this way by default:

    β”œβ”€β”€ Chart.yaml
    β”œβ”€β”€ templates
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ pipelines
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ deploy
    β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ custom-clean.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   └── custom-deploy.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ bitbucket-build-default.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ bitbucket-build-edp.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ bitbucket-build-lib-default.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ bitbucket-build-lib-edp.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ bitbucket-review.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ gerrit-build-default.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ gerrit-build-edp.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ gerrit-build-lib-default.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ gerrit-build-lib-edp.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ gerrit-review.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ github-build-default.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ github-build-edp.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ github-build-lib-default.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ github-build-lib-edp.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ github-review.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ gitlab-build-default.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ gitlab-build-edp.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ gitlab-build-lib-default.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ gitlab-build-lib-edp.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   └── gitlab-review.yaml
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ resources
    β”‚   β”‚   └── npm-settings.yaml
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ tasks
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ deploy
    β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   └── hello-world-deploy.yaml
    β”‚   β”‚   └── hello-world.yaml
    β”‚   └── triggers
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ custom-clean.yaml
    β”‚   └── custom-deploy.yaml
    └── values.yaml

    For more detailed information and explanations regarding the repository structure, please refer to Creating and Using Custom Tekton Pipelines use case.


    Update the values in the values.yaml file.

    The dnsWildCard parameter is the platform address.

    Below is a sample configuration for the values.yaml file:

    dnsWildCard: ""
  5. Modify and add tasks or pipelines.

    Consider the scenario where it's necessary to incorporate the helm-lint task into the review pipeline. To achieve this, append the following code snippet to the templates/pipelines/github-review.yaml file, specifically below the hello-world task, located here: github-review.yaml:

    kind: Pipeline
    name: github-shell-go-app-review
    - name: hello-world
    name: hello-world
    - init-values
    - name: BASE_IMAGE
    value: "$(params.image-version)"
    - name: username
    value: "$(params.username)"
    - name: source
    workspace: shared-workspace
    subPath: source

    - name: helm-lint
    kind: Task
    name: helm-lint
    - hello-world
    - name: EXTRA_COMMANDS
    value: |
    ct lint --validate-maintainers=false --charts deploy-templates/
    - name: source
    workspace: shared-workspace
    subPath: source

    The helm-lint task references to the default pipeline-library Helm chart which is deployed to the cluster as part of the KubeRocketCI setup process.

    The runAfter parameter indicates the execution sequence, specifying that the helm-lint task is scheduled to run subsequent to the completion of the hello-world task.

    Also, in the templates/pipelines/github-build-edp.yaml file, specify the name github-shell-go-app-build-edp for the custom build pipeline:

    kind: Pipeline
    name: github-shell-go-app-build-edp
  6. Commit and push the modified Tekton Helm chart to GitHub:

    git checkout -b helm
    git add .
    git commit -m "Add Helm chart testing for go-shell application"
    git push -u origin helm
  7. Navigate Github -> Pull requests -> Compare & pull request -> Create pull request.

    Create pull request

  8. Check the GitHub code review for the custom Helm chart pipelines repository in KubeRocketCI. Navigate Components -> Component name and click to the review pipeline run:

    KubeRocketCI pipelines overview

  9. Explore the pipeline status and steps:

    Explore pipeline

  10. Go to the GitHub Pull requests -> Add Helm chart testing for go-shell application -> and click Merge pull request:

    Merge PR

Deliver Custom Tekton Pipelines to the cluster​

To deploy custom pipelines to the cluster, you can use Argo CD, which includes a repository with add-ons.

To deliver custom Tekton pipelines to the cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the forked repository with add-ons and make the following changes. In the clusters/core/apps/values.yaml file, set the repoUrl and namespace fields to specify the Git URL of the tekton-custom-pipelines repository and the namespace where the KubeRocketCI platform is deployed. Also, set the kuberocketci-pipelines.enabled field to true to enable the deployment of the tekton-custom-pipelines Argo CD Application:

    enable: true
    namespace: <krci-namespace>
    repoUrl: ssh://<account-name>/tekton-custom-pipelines.git
  2. Commit and push the changes to the repository.

    After making the necessary changes, commit and push the changes to the repository. Use the following commands to commit and push the changes:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Enable custom Tekton pipelines deployment"
    git push origin main
  3. After pushing the changes, access Argo CD, navigate to the Application that corresponds to the repository with the add-ons, and initiate the Sync process. This will apply the tekton-custom-pipelines Helm Chart to the cluster within the specified namespace.

    Argo CD Sync

Create Application Merge Request​

Since we applied the Tekton library to the Kubernetes cluster in the previous step, let's test the review and build pipelines for our tekton-hello-world application.

Perform the below steps to merge new code (Merge Request) that passes the Code Review flow. For the steps below, we use GitHub UI but the same actions can be performed using the command line and Git tool:

  1. In the Components tab, click one of the custom-tekton-chart to enter the application menu.

  2. Navigate to Branches and click to the Git button:

    Component&#39;s branch tab

  3. Navigate to the Branches menu, create new branch from New branch menu with name test, and the click on the test branch:

    Create Branch

  4. Change file deploy-templates/values.yaml with values below:

    enabled: true

    Create Merge Request

  5. Navigate to the Pull requests -> Compare & pull request -> and click Create pull request:

  6. Check the Review Pipeline status. Navigate KubeRocketCI -> Components -> tekton-hello-world and click on review pipeline. The helm-lint task should be displayed there:

    Explore Lint Step

  7. After review procedure successfully ended - approve merge request. Navigate Github -> Pull requests -> test and click on Merge pull request button. Then, your code is merged to the main branch, triggering the Build Pipeline:

    Merge Pull Request

  8. Check the pipelines in the KubeRocketCI dashboard:

    Explore Build Pipeline

Under the hood, the following process takes place:

  1. GitHub sends a payload to the Tekton EventListener when a Merge Request event occurs.
  2. The EventListener captures the payload with the assistance of an Interceptor.
  3. The TriggerTemplate creates a PipelineRun.

The detailed scheme is shown below:

This chart will be using the core of common-library and pipelines-library and custom resources on the top of them.