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Version: 3.10-dev

Integrate GitHub

To initiate work in the KubeRocketCI, integration with a Version Control System (VCS) is essential. This integration facilitates the use of create, clone, and import strategies for handling source code. This tutorial focuses on the create strategy, wherein an application is directly created in the integrated VCS solution for subsequent work. Here, you will find instructions on how to integrate KubeRocketCI with GitHub.


Prior to moving forward, ensure you possess an active GitHub account and have successfully deployed the platform.

Integration Procedure​

To integrate KubeRocketCI with GitHub, follow the steps below:

  1. Generate an SSH key pair:

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  2. Add the created SSH key (the public part) to the GitHub account:

    1. In the GitHub main page, click your user icon. Navigate to Settings -> SSH and GPG keys and click New SSH key.
    2. Create the quick_start key. Insert your key data and click Add SSH key:

    Repo permission

  3. Generate an access token for the GitHub account with read/write access to the API:

    1. Log in to GitHub.

    2. Click the profile account and navigate to Settings -> Developer Settings.

    3. Select Personal access tokens (classic) and generate a new token with the following permissions:

      Repo permission


      The following (Admin:repo, Admin:org, and User) access is necessary for the platform to retrieve Pull Request commits, their status, and author information.

      Admin permission Admin permission User permission

    4. Save a new personal access token.

  4. In UI Portal, navigate to Configuration -> Version Control System -> Git Servers. Define the following values and click Save:

    • Git provider: select GitHub
    • Host:
    • User: git
    • SSH port: 22
    • HTTPS port: 443
    • Private SSH key: your generated SSH private key
    • Access token: your account token generated in GitHub

    Git Server configuration

Ensure the Git server has a green status. To store container images, integrate platform with a container registry by navigating to the Integrate DockerHub page.