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Version: 3.12-dev

Nexus Image Registry

This documentation guide provides comprehensive instructions for integrating Nexus Repository Manager as a docker image registry with KubeRocketCI.


To install Nexus in environment, it's recommended to use the resources provided in the Cluster Add-Ons repository. This approach involves installing both the Nexus repository manager and the nexus-operator. Leveraging the Cluster Add-Ons simplifies the deployment and management process, providing a streamlined method to integrate Nexus into infrastructure.

  1. Navigate to the forked cluster Add-Ons repository and align the nexus values.yaml and nexus-operator values.yaml files. Follow the instructions to deploy Nexus, ensuring it's correctly configured to serve as artifact repository.

  2. Sync resources and wait till the all nexus and nexus-operator resources is created:

    Nexus ArgoCD applications

  3. Sign In into Nexus Repository Manager using the default credentials Username: admin and Password: admin123 and update the default password for better security:

    Nexus ArgoCD applications

  4. Update the configuration to enable nexus and nexus-operator in Add-Ons repository:

    createNamespace: true
    enable: true

    createNamespace: true
    enable: true


With Add-Ons approach nexus-operator create the necessary roles, Service Account ci.user, blob stores, repository, scripts, cleanup policies automatically. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to create all resources manually.

Configuration Nexus Repository Manager with nexus-operator​

  1. Create a Kubernetes Secret that the nexus-operator will use to connect to the Nexus Repository Manager and create all resources:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: nexus-admin-password
namespace: nexus
type: Opaque
user: YWRtaW4= # base64-encoded value of "admin"
password: cGFzcw== # base64-encoded value of "pass"
  1. Create a secret using manifests or with External Secrets Operator to enable the edp-nexus-operator to connect to the Nexus Repository Manager for provisioning:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: ci-nexus
namespace: nexus
type: Opaque
password: <nexus-user-password>

Configuration Nexus Repository Manager without nexus-operator​

Without using the nexus-operator, manual updates are required for the Helm chart values of the Nexus Repository Manager, as well as the creation of blob stores, repositories, roles, and the Service Account ci.user.

  1. Update Nexus Repository Manager helm chart values:

    enabled: true
    - host:
    port: 5000
  2. Create blob store. Open the Nexus UI and navigate to Server administration and configuration -> Repository -> Blob Stores and click Create Blob Store, fill the following fields and click Save button:

    • Type: File
    • Name: krci-container

    Nexus create blob store

  3. Create repository. Open the Nexus UI and navigate to Server administration and configuration -> Repository -> Repositories, click + Create repository, select docker (hosted), fill the following fields and click Save button:

    • Name: A unique identifier for this repository
    • HTTP: 5000
    • Enable Docker V1 API: check
    • Blob store name: krci-container
    • Strict Content Type Validation: check

    Nexus create registry

  4. Open the Nexus UI and navigate to Server administration and configuration -> Security -> Roles. Click the Create Role button, fill the following fields and click Save button:

    • Type: Nexus role
    • Role ID: krci-admin
    • Role Name: krci-admin
    • Role Descriptions: Read and write access to all repos and scripts
    • Applied Privileges: nx-apikey-all, nx-repository-view-*-*-add, nx-repository-view-*-*-browse,nx-repository-view-*-*-edit, nx-repository-view-*-*-read, nx-script-*-add, nx-script-*-delete, nx-script-*-read, nx-script-*-run

    Roles settings

  5. Create repository Service Account ci.user. Open the Nexus UI and navigate to Server administration and configuration -> Security -> User. Click the Create local user button to create a new user:

    Nexus user settings

  6. Type the ci.user username, fill the following fields and click the Create local user button to create the *Service Account, fill the following fields and click Save button:

    • ID: ci.user
    • First name: ci.user
    • Last name: CI
    • Email:
    • Password: <nexus-user-password>
    • Status: Active
    • Roles: krci-admin

    Nexus create user

Integration Nexus Repository Manager with KubeRocketCI​

  1. Open KubeRocketCI -> Configuration -> ARTIFACTS STORAGE -> REGISTRY. Click + ADD REGISTRY fill in the fields below, and then click SAVE button:

    • Registry Provider: Nexus
    • Registry Endpoint:
    • Repository: krci # The name of folder in nexus repository
    • Push account User: ci.user
    • Push account Password/Token: <nexus-user-password>
    • Use the Push Accounts credentials: check

    Kuberocketci add nexus registry

  2. After build application open Nexus Repository Manager -> Browse server contents -> Browse and open container registry:

    Nexus create user