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Version: 3.11-dev

Advanced Installation Overview: Third-Party Tools

This page provides a concise overview of the advanced components available in KubeRocketCI. While these third-party tools are not obligatory, they greatly enhance the capabilities of the platform, enabling the creation of a robust CI/CD environment.

Third-Party Components​

Find below the list of the key components used by KubeRocketCI:

Here's the table with the added 'Description' column containing a short description for each component:

ComponentRequirement LevelDescription
TektonMandatoryA cloud-native solution for building CI/CD pipelines.
Argo CDMandatoryA declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.
NGINX Ingress Controller1MandatoryManages external access to HTTP services in a Kubernetes cluster.
KeycloakOptionalAn open-source identity and access management solution.
DefectDojoOptionalAn open-source application vulnerability management tool.
ReportPortalOptionalAn AI-powered test automation dashboard for analyzing test results.
Capsule2OptionalA lightweight tool for managing Kubernetes namespaces.
External SecretsOptionalManages external secret storage like AWS Secrets Manager, integrating with Kubernetes.
NexusOptionalA repository manager supporting various formats including Docker, npm, and Helm charts.
HarborOptionalAn open-source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.

Although we have dedicated instructions for all of these third-party tools, we recommend installing them via add-ons approach.


  1. OpenShift cluster uses Routes to provide access to pods from external resources. ↩

  2. These tools need to be installed in advance before deploying KubeRocketCI. ↩