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Version: 3.9.0

Container Registry Reset


Reset container registry is not feasible due to the RESET REGISTRY button not accessible.


The KubeRocketCI Portal does not allow to reconfigure the registry because the registry secrets have external owners.


Remove the kaniko-docker-config and regcred resources from both the ExternalSecret custom resources and the Kubernetes secrets.

  1. Check the kaniko-docker-config and regcred ExternalSecret custom resources (CRs) in the namespace:

    kubectl get externalsecret kaniko-docker-config -n edp-delivery-os-dev
    kubectl get externalsecret regcred -n edp-delivery-os-dev
  2. Delete the kaniko-docker-config and regcred ExternalSecret CRs using the commands provided below:

    kubectl delete externalsecret kaniko-docker-config -n edp-delivery-os-dev
    kubectl delete externalsecret regcred -n edp-delivery-os-dev
  3. Delete the kaniko-docker-config and regcred Kubernetes secrets if they have not been automatically deleted by the External Secrets Operator:

    kubectl delete secret kaniko-docker-config -n edp-delivery-os-dev
    kubectl delete secret regcred -n edp-delivery-os-dev
  4. Disable the creation of the kaniko-docker-config and regcred ExternalSecret CRs in the values file of the edp-install Helm chart.


    By default, it takes 5-10 minutes to take affect but it may vary depending on your personal platform configuration.

  5. Refresh the KubeRocketCI portal page and set your container registry again.