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Upgrade EDP v3.2 to 3.3


We suggest making a backup of the EDP environment before starting the upgrade procedure.


We currently disabled cache volumes for go and npm in the EDP 3.3 release.

This section provides the details on the EDP upgrade to v3.3.0. Explore the actions and requirements below.

  1. Update Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). Run the following command to apply all necessary CRDs to the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f
    kubectl apply -f
  2. If you use Gerrit VCS, delete the corresponding resource due to changes in annotations:

    kubectl -n edp delete EDPComponent gerrit

    The deployment will create a new EDPComponent called gerrit instead.

  3. To upgrade EDP to the v3.3.0, run the following command:

    helm upgrade edp epamedp/edp-install -n edp --values values.yaml --version=3.3.0

    To verify the installation, it is possible to test the deployment before applying it to the cluster with the --dry-run tag:
    helm upgrade edp epamedp/edp-install -n edp --values values.yaml --version=3.3.0 --dry-run

  4. In EDP v3.3.0, a new feature was introduced allowing manual pipeline re-triggering by sending a comment with /recheck. To enable the re-trigger feature for applications that were added before the upgrade, please proceed with the following:

    4.1 For Gerrit VCS, add the following event to the webhooks.config configuration file in the All-Projects repository:

    [remote "commentadded"]
    url = http://el-gerrit-listener:8080
    event = comment-added

    4.2 For GitHub VCS, check the Issue comments permission for each webhook in every application added before the EDP upgrade to 3.3.0.

    4.3 For GitLab VCS, check the Comments permission for each webhook in every application added before the EDP upgrade to 3.3.0.