SonarQube Project Properties for Application
The KubeRocketCI platform simplifies this process by supporting SonarQube integration with predefined configurations. However, specific use cases may require customization. Below is a guide on setting the SonarQube project properties to meet all application requirements.
Application repo structureβ
When an application is added to the KubeRocketCI, a default
file is automatically generated during the codebase onboarding process. However, depending on the specific needs of the application, a separate configuration file can be created, placed in the root directory of the application repository, and used for SonarQube code quality during the pipeline:
example repository structure
βββ deploy-templates
β βββ ..
βββ Dockerfile
βββ Makefile
βββ controllers
β βββ hello.go
β βββ hello_test.go
βββ go.mod
βββ go.sum
βββ main.go
βββ routers
β βββ router.go
Default project parametersβ
sonar.projectKey: A unique identifier for the SonarQube project. This is also set to the application codebase name by the KubeRocketCI pipelines.
sonar.projectName: A readable name for the project. This is also set to the application codebase name by the KubeRocketCI pipelines.
sonar.qualitygate.wait: Enables waiting for Quality Gate results before proceeding (e.g., true or false) by default KubeRocketCI pipelines set it true.
- by default set from KuberocketCI pipelines from KuberocketCI sonarqube integration url.
sonar.login: by default set from KuberocketCI pipelines from KuberocketCI sonarqube integration token.
sonar.organization: by default not set from KuberocketCI pipelines and used only for sonar cloud integration. file example of configuration
For additional assistance with configuring SonarQube properties, please refer to the SonarQube documentation