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Version: 3.9

Tekton Integration

Integrating ReportPortal with Tekton centralizes the management of all automation outcomes and reports, enabling the visualization of metrics and analytics. This integration facilitates team collaboration by associating statistical results, enhancing the overall efficiency and insight into the automation processes.

For integration, take the following steps:

  1. Log in to the ReportPortal console and navigate to the User Profile menu:

    ReportPortal profile

  2. Copy the Access token and use it as a value while creating a kubernetes secret for the ReportPortal credentials:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    type: Opaque
    name: rp-credentials
    namespace: krci
    rp_uuid: <access-token>
  3. In the Configuration examples section of the ReportPortal User Profile menu, copy the following REQUIRED fields: rp.endpoint, rp.launch and rp.project. Insert these fields to the pytest.ini file in root directory of your project:

    addopts = -rsxX -l --tb=short --junitxml test-report.xml
    rp_endpoint = <endpoint>
    rp_launch = <launch>
    rp_project = <project>
  4. In root directory of the project create/update requirements.txt file and fill with following. It's mandatory to install report-portal python library (version may vary):

    pytest-reportportal == 5.1.2
  5. Create a custom Tekton task:

    View: Custom Tekton task
    kind: Task
    labels: '0.1'
    name: pytest-reportportal
    namespace: krci
    description: |-
    This task can be used to run pytest integrated with report portal.
    - default: .
    description: The path where package.json of the project is defined.
    name: PATH_CONTEXT
    type: string
    - name: EXTRA_COMMANDS
    type: string
    - default: python:3.8-alpine3.16
    description: The python image you want to use.
    name: BASE_IMAGE
    type: string
    - default: rp-credentials
    description: name of the secret holding the rp token
    name: rp-secret
    type: string
    - env:
    - name: HOME
    value: $(workspaces.source.path)
    - name: RP_UUID
    key: rp_uuid
    name: $(params.rp-secret)
    image: $(params.BASE_IMAGE)
    name: pytest
    resources: {}
    script: >
    #!/usr/bin/env sh
    set -e
    export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin
    # tests are being run from ./test directory in the project
    pytest ./tests --reportportal
    workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path)/$(params.PATH_CONTEXT)
    - name: source
  6. Add this task ref to your Tekton pipeline after tasks:

    View: Tekton pipeline
    - name: pytest
    - name: BASE_IMAGE
    value: $(params.image)
    - name: EXTRA_COMMANDS
    value: |
    set -ex
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    [ -f ] && python &
    - compile
    kind: Task
    name: pytest-reportportal
    - name: source
    workspace: shared-workspace
  7. Launch your Tekton pipeline and check that the custom task has been successfully executed:

    Tekton task successfully executed

  8. Test reports will be displayed in the Launches section of the ReportPortal:

    Test report results